Reports on Mathematical Physics 81 3. Pergamon
Reports on Mathematical Physics publish papers in theoretical physics which present a rigorous mathematical approach to problems of quantum and classical mechanics and field theories, relativity and gravitation, statistical physics, thermodynamics, mathematical foundations of physical theories, etc. Preferred are papers using modern methods of functional analysis, probability theory, differential geometry, algebra and mathematical logic. Papers without direct connection with physics will not be accepted. Manuscripts should be concise, but possibly complete in presentation and discussion, to be comprehensible not only for mathematicians, but also for mathematically oriented theoretical physicists. All papers should describe original work and be written in English.
Nauki przyrodnicze i matematyczne
biesy dostojewski, kalkulator pochodne, samotny jak szwed, platforma do balansowania, klopsiki w sosie pomidorowym, maka pszenna tortowa, soplica wiśniowa, makaron z kurczakiem i sosem pieczarkowym, mysz laserowa czy optyczna, jak zrobić mleko skondensowane bez cukru, pepsi zero, bransoletki do mi band 5, tn 2421 brother, wpomidora pl, biała klawiatura, pianka do włosów cienkich i delikatnych, lego bukiet, waga kuchenna, czajnik klausberg